Welcome to Global Seismic MMO.
What is a Marine Mammal Observer?
Projects requiring Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) have arisen due to concerns regarding the levels of man-made noise in the ocean and how this may affect marine life, in particular, marine mammals and turtles.
The Role of the MMO
The role of the MMO is to be present onboard ships during offshore drilling and oil & gas survey operations. They are to act immediately to protect marine mammals should they enter an exclusion zone (usually 500 meters) prior to operations. MMOs will advise personnel onboard to delay operations until the marine mammals are at a safe distance and also to record behaviour and sightings at other times.
The observer must first be able to detect marine mammals. This is achieved by visual monitoring. Visual monitoring is conducted by using the highest platform with the best all-round vision and using simply a pair of binoculars the MMO scans the surrounding areas for animals. Visual monitoring is done in all observation work. Photographic and video evidence is also required of marine sightings.
MMO Global Seismic
MMO Global Seismic and associated partners contract MMOs to oil companies all over the world. The oil companies mainly hail from Norway. The country where the survey is taking place in-turn contract the oil company to carry out survey work to determine whether or not there is oil and gas under the seabed in their respective waters.
For all enquiries please contact us admin@globalseismicmmo.com